Charles D. Stanton is a retired U.S. naval officer and former airline pilot, who earned his doctorate in medieval history at Fitzwilliam College of the University of Cambridge under Professor David Abulafia, a Fellow of the British Academy and author of The Great Sea, A Human History of the Mediterranean. As an independent scholar, Dr. Stanton has written extensively on the maritime history of medieval Europe with a special focus on the Norman conquest of southern Italy and galley operations in the Mediterranean. He is the winner of the 2006 Denis Bethell Prize of the Haskins Society for a paper on the subject. His body of work includes numerous essays published in respected scholarly journals and two well-received monographs: Norman Naval Operations in the Mediterranean (2011) and Medieval Maritime Warfare (2015). A third book, Roger of Lauria (c. 1250 -1305), ‘Admiral of Admirals’, is in publication and due to be released by Boydell Press in October 2019.
You may contact me: charles.stanton”at”